She also lands a job at Mumbai Beat (based on Time Out! Mumbai), a hip magazine run by editor-in-chief Kabir (Rahul Khanna), whom Aisha is attracted to. After learning that he has failed the final exams (delaying his graduation for another year), Sid displaces his frustration onto Rishi, and later gets into a heated argument with his parents, ending with him moving out. Aisha allows Sid to temporarily stay at her apartment, but finds him disorganized and careless with her home.
One night, Aisha loses her temper and yells at Sid for his inability to clean up after himself. The next morning, Sid confides in Aisha that he now realizes his constant dependence on Ram’s wealth, a realization that persuades him to seek work. Aisha helps him land a role as a photography intern – photography having been a hobby of his since childhood – at Mumbai Beat.
The internship slowly motivates Sid to be more responsible and productive. He reconciles with Rishi when they meet again for the first time since their fight. Sid eventually gets hired full-time at Mumbai Beat and receives his first paycheck. He makes amends with his parents, and Ram invites Sid to return home. Aisha and Kabir start dating, but she quickly realizes that, despite her initial attraction to him, they have very little in common. Aisha then develops feelings for Sid, and on the day he packs his belongings to move back in with his family, she is furious to hear that he is leaving. Confused and hurt, unaware that Aisha has fallen in love with him, Sid makes his departure.