The Heritage Model Number Lookup System will help you find detailed information about your Heritage Gun. Enter the serial number (no spaces) of your firearm and click on 'Search' to identify your model. (You must click the 'search' button to get your results. The 'enter' or 'return' buttons will not initiate your inquiry). Please note that specific information may not be available, especially on older models.
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If your serial number does not return a result, please call Customer Service at 305-685-5966. Privacy disclaimer: Heritage Manufacturing, Inc (HMI) does not voluntarily share, sell or reveal customer information. This information is for our records only.
We will periodically send an e-mail to our customers advising them of new products. Your e-mail address, street address, telephone number and purchase information will be kept strictly confidential. Prices Listed are M.S.R.P. And are a guide to the price you may expect to be charged locally for those products. Products may vary from those depicted, and Heritage Manufacturing, Inc (HMI) reserve the right to modify, change or discontinue product, pricing or features at any time without prior notice.
Hello all, Recently, my grand-father-in-law passed away. The family knows that I shoot a lot of shot gun and have asked me to look up some information for his firearms. These will not be sold, but they are asking more 'history' questions about them. I am looking for a search engine that would tell me the manufacture dates of Winchester and Remington shot guns. If anyone has a link, please post it. Ive done Google searches and found a couple of sites, but not too much for the models that I want to look up. Specifically I'm looking for manufacture dates, values, and if there are down-loadable manuals, that would be great too.
Thanks, Scout82. For Remington firearms, including shotguns, you can read the date of manufacture by the letter codes on the barrel, as shown here. () This actually gives the date the BARREL was manufactured, so you may want to make sure the barrel's SN matches the receiver's SN.
You can download Remington manuals here (). If the model is not listed there, Remington considers the firearm obsolete, but will still send you a free printed manual (photocopy) if you contact them. There is an obsolete manual page (), but there is no 'Submit' button, so I always end up emailing them from the 'Contact Us' page and asking for the manual. As for values, the best resource I know of to get TRUE values (i.e., what guns are REALLY selling for) is to search completed auctions on GunBroker and look for guns of the same model in similar condition to yours. I can't help with the Winchester manufacturing dates, but I'd be surprised if Winchester will not get you a free manual, either by download or via snail mail. Enjoy these family heirlooms!