Do you use special maps or you need custom map that fits yours needs? Your current maps or public available maps are not enough suitable for you? Or you just need to add more information into them? Are you missing data for your maps? We will help you. We will create custom maps for you.
› Mapy google sk satelitne zabery › Google maps slovakia › Mapy google trasa › mapa slovenska google. Filter Time: All Past 24 hours Past Week Past Month. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. - Mapa, mapy, automapa. Create maps with advanced tools on PC, Mac, or Linux. Google Earth in Action. The India Literacy Project teamed up with Google Earth to take children around.
We will use modern technologies – satellite systems, laser scanning, photogrammetry imaging or mobile mapping. With these technologies we will create for you nice maps of the streets, settlements, roads and railroads or even rivers or forests. If you need, we will prepare for you map data for passports. What kind of services we are offering to you? • Orthophoto maps • Mobile mapping • Laser scanning, aerial imaging and videos • Aerial inspections • Surveying works and 3D mapping • Processing data from satellites and other facilities • Services in the field of precise agriculture Tie up with professionals, let us know what maps do you need – and we will create them for you.
In the field of mapping we are cooperating with following partners: • •. Village, town, region - places we care about and want to know well. We all care about the place where we live, where our children go to the schools where we are relaxing. More than ever before we all need precise and actual information.
For managing public affairs, presenting the village, city or region to tourists or investors map is always one of the best servant. We understand self-governments and their maps thanks to our long-standing experience of working in the field of the geographic information systems. On the our portal you can have in disposal all maps, that your municipality, town or region needs for managing public affairs. • Maps of land use plan • Property map of municipality / town / Region • Real estate tax maps • Price maps • Points of interest maps • Maps of pharmacies, schools, road maintenance • Maps of cultural, historical and technical monuments •. And many more! Create and store your maps in the CLOUD and the money for infrastructure you can invest in your own business activities.
Virtual environment saves the costs, environment and disposes you of dependence on technologies and concerns about safety. You will no longer have to worry about different platforms, you will get innovations immediately and your data will be available from everywhere. In the moment when your requirements on capacities will grow up, CLOUD is ideal tool thanks to its scalability.
Please accept our invitation and create and use your maps without any worries. CLOUD • Will take care about hardware and necessary software on behalf you, • Prepares all available background maps (cadaster, geology, land use plans etc.) for your projects, • Allows you to create your own beautiful maps and work with them every day without any limits, • Arranges for you uploading data from various spatial data formats into environment, • Will make available your maps everywhere and on each available equipment – compute, tablet or smartphone, • Helps you to share your maps with colleagues, customers and within community – or even sell your maps. It is obvious that CLOUD is created in accordance with valid legislation – e.g. GDPR, INSPIRE, Intellectual property acts etc. We are looking forward on our cooperation. Team