Since the early 2000’s, Beyblade became a widely known popular anime series that took the world by storm. Back then; when the Beyblade line of toys was initially released, it spawned a large cult following that began a craze in: collecting, building and battling against other enthusiast ‘Bladers’. With its current new series still going strong, let’s take a nostalgic trip to look back at the Bladers that we had come to know and love for their strength in battle. Here are our picks for the top 10 strongest Beyblade characters in the series. Autocad 2000lt to purchase. Just to be clear, we’ll be looking at the strongest characters out of all of the animated series, so far.
So without further ado, 321Let it rip! Beginning our list is one of the protagonists in the Metal Saga series, Tsubasa Ootori, a calm-headed Blader who was once a secret agent of the WBBA that was working to uncover the mysteries of the Dark Nebula. Tsubasa is an intelligent Blader who has a kind personality. In battle, he appears very confident and fairly perceptive of the situation. Tsubasa is very adaptable in battle and uses his senses quite effectively to counter his opponents.
He owns the Blade Earth Eagle 145WD which is a powerful balance type Beyblade with many wind-based special abilities. We think Tsubasa is one of the strongest Bladers because of his strategist-like mind, which he uses to outthink his opponents. His journey into darkness also made him quite powerful, though it had taken quite a toll on his health. He was even able to put up a good fight against one of the strongest Bladers, Ryuuga. In addition, he was also able to become the president of the WBBA, being able to reach that level of accomplishment truly shows his strength. Next on this list is Ginga’s father, Ryo Hagane, otherwise known as the masked Blader, Phoenix.